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Mt. Elgon original Ebola Outbreak Site/Flood Connection?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:01 am
by Patroculous
With the linking of the stopped countdown timer to GPS co-ordinates that lead to the "tip of Mt. Elgon" according to WikiBruce's summary, I couldn't help but recall a book I'd read not a few months ago, called "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston - a horrifyingly true story about how the United States came this close to an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus not a stone's throw away from Washington D.C. back in 1989.

The outbreak here in the States wasn't so much important, as was the fact that the book itself provided backstory on the virus, including where the virus is to have believed to have originated - the very caves of Mount Elgon.

I sat there and tried to recall as best as I could what exactly had transpired for the original outbreak to occur, (I can't find the book on my shelf) but the more and more I started to think about it, the more I began to draw comparison between the Ebola virus and the Flood.

I could go into the actual anatomy of the virus and compare it to the actions of the flood (i.e. how in the final throws of Ebola contamination, the patient violently thrashes about, spewing blood, in what many scientists believe is an attempt for it to land on a new, previously un-infected host... much like the Carrier Forms who explode when near an enemy, in an attempt to not only injure, but then infect) but for now, I'd just like to bounce this off of someone else, to hear what they have to say.

Coincidence that these co-ordinates just happen to land us at Mt. Elgon, the believed originating site of one of the most deadliest viruses known to man-kind?

Re: Mt. Elgon original Ebola Outbreak Site/Flood Connection?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:04 am
by Avateur
That is one amazing theory. Anything you can get us from Wikipedia or anywhere that can confirm this Ebola theory? This could be huge.

Re: Mt. Elgon original Ebola Outbreak Site/Flood Connection?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:17 pm
by Maimbot 9000
Googling "ebola" and "Elgon" turns up lots of links to confirm. Looks like there's a cave called Kitum Cave in/on the mountain where people are believed to have gotten the virus.

Very interesting!

Re: Mt. Elgon original Ebola Outbreak Site/Flood Connection?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:18 pm
by MulletedOne
Erm, Mt. Elgon is not related as it's not really at the coords, thought I had already cleared that up? It's 22 miles west of the coords, and thus at different coords, which means it's not related.

Re: Mt. Elgon original Ebola Outbreak Site/Flood Connection?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:34 pm
by Sir Topham Hat
Yes, this has been discussed. Mt. Elgon is just a site someone got by accident. Interesting, but unrelated.

Re: Mt. Elgon original Ebola Outbreak Site/Flood Connection?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:50 pm
by Menelven
Locking as it's unrelated.