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New Numbers...moving the comic slides...

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:53 am
by Hookedonhalo
The last slide in the Cradle of Life comic can be altered...three sets of numbers are shown, one in each of the three panels...

Upper left: 206.

Upper right: 16. over

Bottom: 65

Sorry if this has already been noted...haven't exactly figured out if there is a search feature on here...

Re: New Numbers...moving the comic slides...

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:04 am
by Tweek178
Dude. Seriously.

Just read a couple of threads. There aren't actually that many.

Or, search away. Maybe the search function is hidden somewhere on the site. But it can't be linked under that "search" button on the upper right of the screen. That'd be too easy.