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Terminal 8 (Yeah I said 8)

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:29 am
by Kashaku
So I was browseing through the forums on B-Net, stumbling across a topic about the Recon Armour, (and the many debates and what not surrounding it) when the thread got slightly off topic when someone said this:
I have the strategy book and I've noticed something INTERESTING. There is a symbol for a terminal on the lvl cortana. Which would make 8 terminals in total but you don't need this terminal for the achievement. Could it have some other purpose if it is there? I will search for it on Saturday
My eyes went rather wide of course with me nearly sounding like Chris Griffin in saing "WHAAAAAT?"

reading on someone mentioned it's more accurate location
There is one Terminal in cortana at the bottom floor in the room where you find the Tilt Skull.

When you activate the Terminal Cortana shows up on the screen with another cryptic messgae on how it was the coins fault.
A bit astonished, and perplexed that I missed it when I went skull hunting, I haven't had the chance to go back and see (You try getting the bloody skull when hordes of Flood creatures are fireing and attacking, and try doing it when you suck like I do x.X) can this terminal be confirmed? Is it really related to the others specifically?

Re: Terminal 8 (Yeah I said 8)

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:46 am
by Avateur
This terminal is just a normal, everyday terminal that just happened to be in High Charity. You access it and Cortana states some things referencing "The Fall of Reach" novel (exact Dr. Halsey quotes I believe). The terminal is entirely unrelated to Iris, although people seem to think that it will still help unlock the Marathon Man achievement for them (which is entirely incorrect).
