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Keys to superweapons

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:33 pm
by ISitInA
To: Cpt********.1465.UNSC.THESEUS
Classifications: Captain's Eyes Only, Message Archival Allowed, Neural Net Upload Permissions Denied
Attachments: 1 (RETURNTOSENDER, 16 Mb)
Subject: Keys to superweapons


When F484 returned from his scouting mission, he had two vast pieces of information. The first was on a device called the Index.

Supposedly, to make the array fire, vast amounts of data had to be entered. This data included lists of all worlds capable of supporting a plethora of different kinds of life forms, targeting protocols, energy management tables... The list goes on and on. A human would need to manually input the Index, which contained all this information, into a command center. Then the ring would activate. He also claimed to have secured this device and stored it in a location where only humans could access. This was the only clue he ever gave, demanding direct orders from HIGHCOM before revealing the location.

Needless to say, this made people question his mental functions.

The other bit of intel was where to find, and how to use, a series of devices designed to provide food. The food was confirmed to be compatible with human physiology. The machines could also quickly grow a reasonable facsimile of a variety of products, meat and plant matter. The process was not unlike flash cloning, but far more advanced and capable of producing far more material. This would lessen the reliance of prepackaged meals. With the very real possibility of remaining stuck on Halo forever, this became absolutely vital to the continued existence of the local populace.

Needless to say, this made him far too invaluable to keep him from going back out into the field.

On a more personal note, it's good to hear that repairs are almost complete to your ship from the explosion. The fact that you'll be able to focus entirely on finishing the station (and then hopefully get the hell out of here) must be a boon to ship morale. This may sound odd, since part of my job is to analyze the situation as well as possible, but I hope that you have no further incidents and can get the station done quickly.

Believe it or not, I genuinely am hoping for your continued well being, and hope your own troubles get done with quickly.



Note by Hive: Captain, I have encountered additional encrypted data within this message. The encryption keys are old enough to be added to my own databanks upon my creation due to our frequent status in the outer regions of humanity's occupied zone, in case we encountered any of the number of missing ships from the war. It utilizes the third encryption codes. Below is the unencrypted message.
Please don't slow them down too much. They're good people, just trying to follow orders. Would you want to delay the mission of a loyal soldier?

RETURNTOSENDER wrote: Myung: Over here!
F484: Sorry that took so long.
Myung: Heavy debriefing?
F484: They're talking about seeing if one of the facility shrinks made it across to talk with me. Other than that, not bad. Spent most of my time cramming and sleeping. There's a few other Sierra Charlies who made it over, and they've collected some interesting data. Mostly on pulse emitters we've seen firing, structure materials, and observed weather patterns. (PAUSE, 1.7 SECONDS) How have your inquiries come?
Myung: We need to kill a Monitor.
F484: (FLATLY) What?

Note by Hive: Captain, I have encountered additional encrypted data within this message. The encryption keys are old enough to be added to my own databanks upon my creation due to our frequent status in the outer regions of humanity's occupied zone, in case we encountered any of the number of missing ships from the war. It utilizes the original encryption codes. Below is the unencrypted message.
The Captain thinks that I'm Myung. I wonder what her reaction to that is... Would you tell me?

Re: Keys to superweapons

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:49 am
by thereIwasn't
I'm sure you saw how our mystery person replied. Either their lying, or if we were playing CLUE, I would have just lost.
The plot thickens. I'd like you to keep a running list of all the people that F484 interacted with. I may have guessed wrong this time, but whomever it is, they must know F484 somehow.
Or, to look at it in a more optimistic fashion and to quote a famous inventor, "I have not failed, but I have found 10,000 ways not to make a lightbulb."