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"Official" ABO Iris Queue [Updated: July 15 at 1:51pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:23 pm
by Major Silva
Below you will find the current entries in the ARGs.Bungie.Org Uploading queue. This is here for you, the humble masses, to browse and download "local" copies of Iris downloads put up by staff members.

This way there's no flying around the interwebz trying to find that one audio snippet you wanted, or that one image, or that one text file. This way if something like the recent Keys incident with Server 05, in which only the first 100 people received a brief audio snippet, were to happen again we'll have local copies for everyone to listen/read/watch.

However, this isn't just for staff. You, the ABO members, are also allowed to submit Iris "stuff" to us directly. Audio snippets, videos, text files, images, etc. Obviously I'll have to be rooting through this stuff for doubles, but if you don't see a file here, then send it! At the very end of this post you will find the necessary information to do so.

Below you'll find what's currently in the library. Right-click and save-as! Or in the case of images, just, well, click!

June 22, 2007

Array Recorder Data.txt(From Server 01)

Transmission.mp3(From first 100 keys)

Log Transcript (From Server 01)

"Slide Ref" Image (From Server 01)

Star Image (From Server 01)

Ibeechu's Current Writeup

June 25, 2007

Iris Movie QT(From Server 05; QuickTime Version)

July 15, 2007

Iris 10 AVI (From Server 02)

Star Image 2 (From Server 02)

Log Transcript 2 (From Server 02)

Infestation (From Server 02)

Transmission 2.mp3 (From Second 100 Keys)

Again, feel free to send in anything we've currently missed. Either PM me with a link to a file so we could upload it locally, or send the file directly here at:
