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Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 3:20 am
by M3 Rokit
Avateur wrote:So. What's everyone's (those who still actually visit here) thoughts on the new maps?
<3. That's all from me, I don't see why everyone has been complaining, they're great.

Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:08 pm
by LordOsiris
Ghost Town's OK, Avalanche has produced a few epic battles, and Blackout was not as good as I thought . I am performing heresy by saying I like Guardian better.

Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:58 pm
by Avateur
That is some pretty crazy heresy. I don't know if you can compare those two maps. Guardian has way more jacked up spawns than Blackout.

I love Ghost Town. It can get old after a while because that 2-3 story building is the main place where most battles occur. I love the battles that go down in that sniper room.

Avalanche, while being nothing like Sidewinder and (in my opinion) taking a step backward (in a bad direction) from Sidewinder, is an amazing map. Avalanche succeeds in becoming its own great map, even if it isn't as good as Sidewinder.

Blackout. Yeah. If Bungie had made Blackout from scratch (as in, Lockout never existed), it would be amazing. But. The fact that Blackout was created and boldly called a "remake" of Lockout, well, yeah. I really, REALLY do not like Blackout. They nerfed the map and destroyed so much strategy on it.

All in all, I love the Legendary map pack. Oh, and Foundry is THE WORST MAP EVER MADE. It needs to be purged from Matchmaking forever unless it's in that Community playlist that's coming some day with Forged maps.

Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:36 am
by LordOsiris
I agree with the Blackout argument. My favorite part of that map was having a swords game, and everybody coming up the lift in the tower, and all of us getting killed. It's too complicated with the design. Part of what made Lockout great was the fact that it was plain, simple and while asymmetrical, still had the ability of an even game to start with. Giving one team the Sniper and Bubble shield spells the end of the game, especially if the sniper is good and the team manages to get to the shotgun.
I hate Foundry because the map was not created for players who use long or short range combat. If you have the shotty, you die most of the time going to get it, as well as you die before you even find someone b/c they have the higher ground. Plus, everyone I play against takes their sniper and jumps onto the ledge on the right side of the rockets. The map is just too perilous for it's own good.

PS There is like, 6 of us who are still frequent visitors. Me, twice or thrice per diem.

Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:53 am
by Avateur
My biggest problem with Blackout is that they destroyed tactical jumps with it. Sure, there's videos showing nifty jumps that you can do on Blackout, but they're trash. There's now no way into Sniper Tower without either going S3 or up that ramp (where you're guaranteed to die if anyone with basic commonsense is up there). I used to be able to jump up to Snipe from elbow, from the walkway between bottom glass and bottom snipe, or even do a quick jump on the ramp up. Not anymore.

Bottom glass has been totally nerfed and hiding in there is nearly impossible now. I don't see why someone had to "improve" on a map that was perfect. Bungie needs to make a direct remake. Period. Sure, change the way it looks and put it in Antarctica. Cool. But leave every damn thing alone if you're going to make a "remake" of a map.

Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:30 am
by Ibeechu
But the problem with quick 'n' dirty remakes is that the game mechanics in H3 are different than in H2. It wouldn't play the same, no matter what you think. Even if they did do a 100% perfect remake, things will still work differently. Jump heights, equipment, different weapons, even the different HUD can have an effect. It's not as simple as "put awesome item from Game 1 into Game 2 and it should still be as awesome."

Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:25 am
by Avateur
Which is great and makes perfect sense, though can be easily dealt with and made to work. But none of that was my argument. My argument is how Bungie actually CHANGED the map, removing jump points, escape points, and nerfing the map as a whole. Strategy doesn't win Blackout anymore. Dumb luck and grenade frenzying wins it. How fun.

Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:26 am
by Ibeechu
Are you sure they changed jump points? Maybe they left them the same and that's why you can't use them anymore. EH?!

Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:43 am
by Avateur
Is the fact that they're completely removed from the map considered a "change?" :P And wtf are you always doing on Guitar Hero III?! And where the hell is PDI 7?! And where the hell did DHalo die off to?!??!?!/1/1/1/oneoneoneoneslasheleven

Re: Start of 2008 Gaming

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:54 am
by LordOsiris
First off, LOL @ above.
Second, the point is that they didn't just copy and paste the map. They changed it, and called it a remake. But, if you think about it, what remade movie has ever been kept exactly the same? I see where both of you are coming from on this.